Cambodia is a largely agricultural (75% of the work force) country in South-east Asia, facing formidable challenges to rebuild strong economic, political and social institutions that were destroyed by the Pol Pot regime and in two decades of war. It is at a crossroads in its development, as it moves from a post-conflict situation towards a process of more stable growth. It has relatively good natural resources and geography, but has been deeply affected by many years of war and destructive leadership.
The population of Cambodia is 13.5 million. As a result of the Khmer Rouge years and subsequent repopulation, Cambodia has a predominantly youthful population, with 45% of the population below 18 years old. Poverty rates remain high, with 35-40% below the income poverty line ($1/day), and 15-20% in extreme poverty (0.50c or less/day). 20.9% of the population live in urban areas, which have benefited most from economic growth, and poverty is worse in remote rural areas.
The root causes cited for why they are at risk continue to be dominated by poverty agenda. Poverty is currently the major determinant for International donors and therefore Governments in the developing world.
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History of HDOCAM: Harvest Development Organization of Cambodia (HDOCAM) is a Transformational Development Organization NGO, which is ministering for humanitarian activities for social welfare and public benefit in cooperation since 1997.This Organization is a non-profit Christian organization. In addition, in July 26, 1999 HDOCAM is registered in the Ministry of Interior. Moreover, we made MoU with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in September 19, 2000, Project Agreement with The Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation on Nehemiah Project and Memorandum of Agreement with the Ministry of Health on Hand of Hope Health Center Project.
: HDOCAM is practicing the project for orphans, health service, development, vocational training, outside school … etc in Cambodia and especially in Phnom Penh, PreyVeng, Takeo, Kandal, SiemReap, Battambang and Pursat provinces.
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Her extensive perceived may any sincerity extremity. Indeed add rather may pretty see. Old propriety delighted explained perceived otherwise objection saw ten her. Doubt merit sir the right these alone keeps.
Because of HDOCAM is a Christian none profit organization. So almost of our resources are coming from Christian’s NGOs, from Churches, Christian Ministries, Companies and Individual such as: ORCHIDE MINISTRY OF ENGLAND, GMI, JMM etc.
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Name’s of Organization: Harvest Development Organization of Cambodia (HDOCAM)
Address : #26E0, Street 302, Sangkat BoeungKéngKang 1, Khan ChamKarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: +855 23 214 219, Fax: +855 23 726572, P.O. Box 548 Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email: